Fondazione Luigi Rovati supports the exhibition “Signs in Stone”: the stele of Vicchio at the Comprensorial Archaeological Museum in Dicomano

One of the most important Etruscan finds in recent decades will be on display at the Comprensoriale Archaeological Museum in Dicomano starting Sept. 30.

After eight years, the Etruscan stele resurfaced from the land of Poggio Colla in Vicchio returns to Mugello, finding a new "home."

The presentation event of the exhibition, Saturday, Sept. 30 at 5 p.m. at the Council Chamber of the Municipality of Dicomano, organized with the collaboration of the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio for the Metropolitan City of Florence and the provinces of Pistoia and Prato, is part of the initiatives of Etruscan Day 2023.

The realization of Signs in the Stone was made possible thanks to the contribution of the Regional Council of Tuscany, patronage from the Unione Montana dei Comuni del Mugello and the fundamental support of the Fondazione Luigi Rovati of Milan.

The stele, discovered in 2015 in Vicchio during excavations conducted by the Mugello Valley Archaeological Project (sponsored by Southern Methodist University, Texas and the University of Pennsylvania) and directed by Gregory Warden and Michael Thomas, has emerged as a treasure of inestimable value within the written record of Etruscan civilization. This remarkable stele contains several inscriptions, which together constitute one of the longest texts ever found in the Etruscan language.

The stele of Vicchio was the subject of a highly successful exhibition held in Milan at the Fondazione Luigi Rovati Museum of Art between January and July 2023.

Due to the enthusiasm generated and renewed interest, it was decided to welcome this valuable work into the exhibition itinerary of the Mugello Comprehensive Archaeological Museum in order to make it accessible to the public.