Luigi Rovati and the Ghislieri Prize

Luigi Rovati, during his years of study in Pavia at the Faculty of Medicine, was a brilliant student at the Ghislieri College, a prestigious institution founded in 1567 by St. Pius V, and among the promoters of the Award. Each year the Ghislieri College Alumni Association awards the prize to a young Ghislerian who has distinguished himself for significant success in his professional field and to a mature Ghislerian who has reached the peak of his career, in a symbolic passing of the baton between generations.

Today Fondazione Luigi Rovati is among the partners supporting the Prize, finding full unity of purpose in the College's mission of higher education and professional recognition through the Ghislieri Prize.

On Thursday, October 6, the eleventh edition of the Ghislieri Prize, entitled Science and Rebirth, will be held, with awards going to the very young Dr. Thea Sommerschield, Alumna of the Ghislieri College and Marie Curie Fellow at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, and Professor Alberto Vecchio for the Ghislieri Prize for Lifetime Achievement.


Science and Rebirth
Ghislieri Prize and Ghislieri Lifetime Achievement Award Ceremony.
Thursday, October 6, 5 p.m.
Aula Magna of the Ghislieri College