Languages and writings of pre-Roman Italy: the Picenum

The video related to the third meeting of the study cycle focused on alphabets, readings, meanings, functions, history, society is now available.


Milan - Fondazione Luigi Rovati - March 15, 2023

Languages and writings of pre-Roman Italy: the Picenum



Valentina Belfiore - Direzione Regionale Musei dell'Abruzzo


The exhibition at the Museum of Art of two important archaeological loans related to the themes of language and writing (the Stele of Lemno and the Stele of Vicchio), was the occasion for a series of meetings organized by the Luigi Rovati Foundation in collaboration with the National Institute of Etruscan and Italic Studies on some languages of pre-Roman Italy, delving into their use and function within different historical contexts, up to contemporary times and future perspectives of language and writing.

Ancient Italy was a mosaic of peoples: Etruscans, Celts, Veneti, Reti, Umbrians, Piceni, Latins, Osci, Apuli, Bruzi, Siculi. Each had its own language and practiced writing in a wide variety of situations and language types.